Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tiger, Ben and I

I was stunned when the Tiger scandal broke. I was disgusted when the Ben in the bathroom story was reported. What is wrong
with these guys? Can't they keep it in their pants? If not for themselves, at least for me!
I have a pathetic little life that revolves around sports. I live solely to see the Steelers in the Super Bowl. I watch golf to see Tiger break Jack's Majors record. It is a sad life,but it is my life.
At first, I couldn't figure out why Tiger had to cheat on arguably one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen. And, why does a two time Super Bowl winning quarterback have to keep forcing himself on women?
My mom, who never spoke, unless it was in cliches, used to say that time heals all wounds. Sure these two are scumbags. And, of course, they are only repenting to appease a judgemental public. A public littered with scumbags like myself.
I have gone from wanting them both dragged through the dirt, for raining on my parade, to now wanting them both left alone.
My mom, she of the all you can eat cliches, used to say, "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.'' ( I think somebody else said that first, and my mom was always throwing stones, but I digress).
Tiger goes to rehab for getting laid too much. Oh, yeah, and cheating on his wife. I told you I was a scumbag. First off, I am an alcoholic, and "sex addiction" is NOT an addiction. And, I'm almost positive he's not the first person to cheat on his spouse.
And, Ben. Off the football field, he's a loser. If you are the starting quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers, and you have to force yourself on hotel employees and drunk co-eds, you are a loser. But this crap Commissioner Goodell is spewing about protecting the (NFL) SHIELD is nonsense. There are more criminal types in the NFL, then there are in the Mexican cartels.
The press, and public will not let up on these guys. But I wish they would. Tiger is starting to play bad, and I see a 2011 Steeler Superbowl appearance slipping away. C'mon, everybody, they are not role models. They are just people playing sports. Cut 'em a break. These clowns are all I have. If you can't do it for me, do it for my mom. Remember, let he who is without sin... .

1 comment:

  1. Your unique perspective on this subject is spot on...especially the part about you being a scumbag.... (Note: I consider you calling yourself a scumbag as being "the first stone" thrown, therefore I just consider my comment as being "agreeable" and very "supportive" to your argument).

    Your Friend,
